Why the worldwide addiction to chilli?

Why the addiction to chilli?

Why do some people crave spicy foods, chillies, curries, noodles and so forth while others go through life never wanting to challenge their taste buds?

Australian Chinese chef, from Sri Lanka, Jimmy Shu, has put forward a plausible theory.

After years of tempting foodies, he concludes that a palate corrupted by eating chillies and curries seems to turn a person into a discerning eater. He has noticed that the more his customers like chilli and curry, the more they need variety and spice. It’s all in the “corruption of the palate”, he says.

It is well known that chilli speeds up your metabolism, plus the hot little critters are a rich source of vitamin C and it might even work against the formation of cancer cells.

Nutritionists also claim that chilli helps fight pain and eases nasal congestion.

Just imagine it. When we put chilli in our cooking, we may be promoting good health, as well as good conversation.

Ever since the Portuguese brought chilli to India, after trading with Mexico, people have been learning to eat like the Maharajah. You also can “try it”:

“Food needs to be cooked properly and beautifully presented however I go further than that. I want people to go home and still be able to remember the taste. That is my motivation,” said Jimmy.

And if you can still remember the conversation a few days later, then the Jimmys of this world have achieved food without frontiers.


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